Primero pensé que la SD era el problema así que probé memorias de 2-4-8gb con diferentes formatos (Fat32-Ntsc) pero se activan los canales de los mismos juegos, (Debe ser que están corruptos)Así que desinstalé los canales y busqué en otra Página los wads... lo mismo, corren bien en la Wii, en la SD no,(debe ser el Wad manager),los instale con Wii mod lite y y tampoco.
Para que los canales (juegos) funcionen desde la sd se debe tener el IOS80 parchado para ello puedes descargar dicho IOS con Modmii, ir a la opcion 1 (System Menu, IOS, Mios, Chanells, etc) y descargar el 80 = IOS80-Patched, se descargara un archivo llamado IOS80v16944(IOS80v6944[FS-ES-NP-VP]).wad despues instalarlo con wad manager, ya que este instalado los juegos que transfieras funcionaran. Debes tener espacion en la memoria de la wii ya que si no tienes, los juegos de la sd no se ejecutaran.
Wad Manager 1.7 Download
tengo una duda.. al descargarme la ultima version del wadmanager.. teoricamente en el video tutorial.. comentais que se descargan 2 carpetas... una fuera de la carpetta apps i otra ddeentro de la carpeta... la carpeta que sale fuera de apps al descomprimir el rar no se me creaa es dicha carpeta llamada "wad" que debo hazer?? gracias
To install USB Loader GX on your SD or USB, you can use the USB Loader GX Installer v1.8. This is a multi-language Windows application which will download and copy the latest USB Loader GX release on your SD Card or USB device.
The installer has the following additional options:- Allows you to pre-install language files (note: you can still do this easily in the loader), - Download the latest Full Channel of USB Loader GX (note: you will need a WAD manager to be able to install on your Wii), - Delete existing game covers
If you want to install a channel, you need another homebrew application: A WAD Manager. - Download a WAD Manager (for example Wad Manager 1.7, or WAD Manager GUI 1.5v2, or any other). - Extract and place the WAD manager's boot.dol on your SD Card like for the USBLoader:
Hey guys, If you are trying to softmod your wii for the first time the following guide made by Mauifrog is spot-on. If you follow it exactly you don't have to worry about bricking/having to reinstall stuff. All the downloads you need are there. -faqs-guides-tutorials-only/96886-guide-softmod-any-wii.html
Additionally, Multi-Mod Manager for Wii comes with a WAD manager with faster batch operations and safety measures. It also has an IOS manager that helps you check, install, delete, or dop IOS. This function also lets you patch or custom IOS. To use this function, an internet connection is required.
Note: Installing a faulty WAD file can cause serious damage to your Nintendo Wii, known as a "banner brick" caused by incorrectly sized banners. Therefore, it is crucial to be cautious when downloading WAD files and to ensure that they come from a reputable source.
Patches released through the Critical Patch Update program are available to customers who have purchased Extended Support under the Lifetime Support Policy. Customers must have a valid Extended Support service contract to download patches released through the Critical Patch Update program for products in the Extended Support Phase.
O Wad manager tbm aconteceu a mesma coisa comigo, eu recomendo vc usar o pimp my Wii (lembrando que eu recomendo que vc instale-as pelo SD) para instalar as wads ou troque o Wad manager pelo Yet another wad manager mod e teste para ver se agora funciona.
Dpois de desbloquear mais de 50 Wii me deparei com um aparelho como o do nosso amigo Renan. Ele simplismente trava quando vc executa Wad manager(testei todas versoes) Pimp my wii tbem nao abre(testei todos) ja fiz de tudo, formatei o wii e tbem troquei o SD, atualizei o console..nada resolveu..Se alguem puder ajudar agradeço
Evidence on the effects of changing skill mix is crucial for the development of an instrument such as skill mix analysis. This evidence is, however, scarce. Of course such evidence would be of great interest for the decision-making process of practice managers [20].
The existing method is limited in that no picture of the optimal skill mix for the practice, given the characteristics of local demand, is given. Given the limitations of the data and the lack of evidence of the effects of alternative skill mix solutions, such an algorithmic approach is impossible. The practice manager or GPs own assessments of the situation are an essential part of the instrument. 2ff7e9595c