You should also disable Laravel's CSRF protection for CKFinder's path, as CKFinder uses its own CSRF protection mechanism. This can be done by adding ckfinder/* pattern to the $except property of VerifyCsrfToken middleware:(app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php)
At this point you should see the connector JSON response after navigating to the /ckfinder/connector?command=Init address.Authentication for CKFinder is not configured yet, so you will see an error response saying that CKFinder is not enabled.
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Note:Alternatively, you can set the configuration option $config['loadRoutes'] = false; in config/ckfinder.php. Then you copy the routes from vendor/ckfinder/ckfinder-laravel-package/src/routes.php to your application routes such as routes/web.php to protect them with your Laravel auth middleware.
After that you can navigate to the /ckfinder/examples path and have a look at the list of available examples.To find out about the code behind them, check the views/samples directory in the package (vendor/ckfinder/ckfinder-laravel-package/views/samples/). 2ff7e9595c